uus aadress: kodutriibik.wordpress.com

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Pea ja suu koostöö käib alla. Prillipoes tahtsin öelda, et silmad on väsinud, aga ütlesin, et jalad. Miinale tahtsin öelda, et emme ei saa, emme teeb tööd, aga ütlesin, et teeb süüa. (Milline alatu vale.) Seepärast tuleb eelistada valmistekste.

David Letterman

Top 10 Signs You Are a Gay Cowboy

10. Your saddle is Versace.

9. Instead of Home on the Range, you sing It's Raining Men

8. You enjoy ridin', ropin' and redecoratin'.

7. Sold your livestock to buy tickets to Mamma Mia!

6. After watching reruns of Gunsmoke, you have to take a cold shower.

5. Native Americans refer to you as Dances With Men.

4. You've been lassoed more times than most steers.

3. You're wearing chaps, yet your "ranch" is in Chelsea.

2. Instead of a saloon, you prefer a salon.

1. You love riding, but you don't have a horse.

Ja väike nudge-nudge Tom Cruise'ile samal teemal.


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